Living a French Life

Celebrating the art of French style for everyday living 

Your Weekly Voilà: It's Crepe Day in France this Sunday! 😋☀️🍽🎉🇫🇷

 Rosée à la Chandeleur,
hiver à sa dernière heure.


The rough translation for the quote above is: "Dew on la Chandeleur, winter is at its final hour." La Chandeleur or the "return of the light" is a bit like France's Groundhog Day but without harassing a feisty mammal. The holiday is also associated with the religious celebration of Candlemas when Jesus was presented at the temple 40 days after his birth. (Anyone else shocked that it has already been 40 days since Christmas!) For centuries, Christians brought their candles, representing the "light of the Lord," to their local churches to be blessed and thus, provide protection again evil throughout the year.

But La Chandeleur also has pagan roots. Since ancient times, the French have marked the beginning of February with celebrations for the upcoming end of winter and the hope for prosperity in the new year. 

Think of it as a celebration of the return of happy, sunny days. 

Striving for the perfect color on a French crêpe requires the perfect pan. Nonstick allows you to add the butter to the batter, rather than the crêpe pan. This is my trick for getting a consistent golden brown color. 
In medieval France, early February was a time when leftover grain could be ground and consumed as a thin pancake. Voilà. The birth of the crêpe. Furthermore, it was believed that eating crêpes at this time of year brought one prosperity. There is even a continued ritual whereby if you flip a crêpe successfully while holding a coin in your other hand, you'll have no financial problems in the upcoming year. (Fingers are crossed that I get it right this year ;)
You don't have to be French to observe this "day of the crêpe." The recipe is simple: flour, milk, egg, and butter. The key to the perfect crêpe is the pan. You can purchase a traditional and expensive copper crêpière. Or you might have your family's well-seasoned iron crêpe pan. I love my 10-inch quality nonstick crêpe pan. Be sure the sides are low to allow you to flip the crêpe successfully, especially on February 2nd!

After they are made, you can fill your crêpes with whatever you like. They can be savory with cheese and spinach or sweet with jam or chocolate. I like them with a bit of sugar and fresh lemon squeezed over the top. Simple and delicious.

Up for a bit of French flair? Pour the juice of 2 oranges into a saucepan with the zest of 1 orange, 1/2 cup of butter (it's France after all), and 1/2 cup of sugar. Bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes until syrupy. Overlap pre-made crêpes folded into quarters into a flameproof dish such as a copper gratin pan. (Swoon over the photo above.) Pour the warm syrup over the top. Then heat just a bit to warm the crêpes through. If you like, warm a bit of Grand Marnier in the empty syrup saucepan, pour over the crêpes, and light on fire.

You have just made Crêpes Suzette!
1/4 c. (30 g.) butter
1 c. (150 gr.) flour
11 oz. (325 ml.) milk
1 large egg
Dash of salt (optional)
  1. Melt the butter and allow to cool slightly.
  2. You can use a blender to mix the flour, milk, and egg but a whisk works well too.
  3. Add the melted butter and blend or whisk briefly.
  4. Allow the liquid to rest for an hour or two. I often prepare the night before and place the mixture in the fridge. In the morning, stir in a bit of milk if the liquid is too thick. You are looking for the consistency of cream.
  5. Heat your seasoned or nonstick pan and add a small ladleful to the center. Swirl it around so the batter coats the bottom of the pan without being too thick. Remember we are going for transparent handkerchief linen ;)
  6. It takes just a minute or two to cook. The edges will start to brown. Flip the crêpe using a spatula (that's cheating on February 2nd) and cook the other side for 30 seconds or so. 
  7. Remove from the pan and stack on top of baking paper. Store in a warm oven while you prepare the remaining batter.
It does take a bit of time to learn how to flip your crêpe. A wooden crêpe spatula with tapered edges helps. I think my best advice is to be sure the crêpe is cooked thoroughly on its first side and the edges are golden brown before you turn it. It looks harder than it really is. But maybe a bit more challenging with no spatula and a coin in your other hand. No matter. Think of it as a bit of delicious practice. Let's hope our labrador, Cella, doesn't get the first flipped crêpe on Sunday.
This weekend, celebrate the return of sunny and prosperous days with crêpes and cider. 

À bientôt mon amie,

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Karen J. Kriebl, EI
Registered as an Entreprise individuelle in France SIRET No. 887 963 148 00028
Lieu-dit Glandines, 46270 Bagnac-sur-Célé, France