Living a French Life

Celebrating the art of French style for everyday living 

Today's Weekly Voilà: My Go-To French Cooking Secret 😊🌱💗


My Go-To Kitchen Secret: A Bouquet Garni 
A bouquet garni is French for "garnished bouquet." A bundle of aromatic herbs that you select to flavor soups, sauces, or casseroles. There is no one recipe. You can add a sprig of rosemary, a stick of celery, or even a sliver of lemon peel. Think about the herbs that best fit the dish you are preparing. I'll add sage sparingly and only if I'm preparing something made with pork. And basil is never in my bouquet garni. It has its own place in flavoring and I find it overpowers the bouquet's delicate, aromatic infusion.

For the classic French trio, a bouquet garni is comprised of parsley, a bay leaf or two, and thyme.
Head to your garden, whether that be a few pots of herbs on your kitchen window sill or a beautiful outdoor space, and gather your herbs. Be sure to wash and dry them. Never use plants that have been sprayed with chemicals.

There are different methods of holding the herbs together. I simply tie them with a piece of cotton butcher string. But some prefer to fill a muslin tea bag because it can be easily removed from the pot before serving. Another option is to wrap everything in a neatly tied piece of cheesecloth. This method works well if you are using dried herbs and don't want them to break apart in your soup. You can also slip a few peppercorns into the bag if the recipe calls for them.

No matter how you bundle your herbs, just add the bouquet garni to your dish in order to infuse all that natural goodness. Then be sure to remove the bouquet prior to serving.
Even if you use a store-bought stock, prepare a bouquet garni and simmer with the stock for 15 minutes. The infusion of fresh herbs makes everything you prepare in the kitchen taste that much better. Give it a try this weekend.
One of the biggest secrets of fine French cooking . . . A simple bundle of herbs tied with string.
Bon appétit,



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Karen J. Kriebl, EI
Registered as an Entreprise individuelle in France SIRET No. 887 963 148 00028
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